Volume 10, Issue 2 ((Spring and Summer) 2021)                   Plant Pathol. Sci. 2021, 10(2): 93-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Hesami N, Darvishnia M, Bazgir E. (2021). Reaction of nine bean cultivars to two Fusarium species. Plant Pathol. Sci.. 10(2), 93-104. doi:10.52547/pps.10.2.93
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/pps/article-1-346-en.html
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran , mdarvishnia44@yahoo.com; darvishnia.m@lu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3654 Views)
Hesami N, Darvishnia M, Bazgir E (2021) Reaction of nine bean cultivars to two  Fusarium species. Plant Pathology Science 10(2):93-104.   
  Doi: 10.2982/PPS.10.2.93.
Introduction: Two soil-borne fungi, Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani, are the causes of important diseases of beans wilting and root rot. The best way to manage these diseases is to identify and cultivate resistant cultivars. This study was conducted to identify the reaction of nine Iranian beans cultivars to these two pathogenic fungi. Materials and Methods: Bean-diseased plants were collected from farms in Aligudarz city in Lorestan province, in western Iran, and F. oxysporum and F. solani were isolated from them in the laboratory. At first the pathogenesis of these fungi was investigated on a local cultivar. Then, the reaction of nine bean cultivars to them was determined in a completely randomized design experiment in the greenhouse. Results: Reaction of cultivars to F. oxysporum and F. solani respectively were, Dadfar red-bean with disease severity of 28.8 and 26.6%, Sayad red-bean  with 33.3 and 28.8%, Koosha pinto-bean  with 35.5 and 33.3%, White 247 with 40 and 37.8%, Pak white-bean with 46.6 and 46.7% and pinto-bean 492 with 48.8 and 46.7% respectively, were grouped as semi-sensitive. Saleh pinto-bean with a disease severity of 64.4 and 62.2%, Yaghot red-bean  with 77.7 and 80% and Almas white with 82.2 and 86.7% respectively, were determined as sensitive. Pearson correlation analysis also showed that there was a significant negative correlation between root length, fresh and dry weight of root with diseases severity. Conclusion: Six cultivars of Iranian beans vs Dadfar, Sayad, Koosha, White247, Pak and 492 are semi-sensitive to these diseases.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/10/27 | Accepted: 2021/12/22

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