Instructions for Authors
Aim and Scope: The semiannual journal “Plant Pathology Science” publishes Research (Original, Regular), Review, Methodology (Technical), Disease note (Case study), and Applied articles containing new findings in all aspects of plant pathology including Mycology, Bacteriology, Nematology, Virology, Nutritional deficiencies, Environmental stresses, Flowering parasitic plants, and Plants Diseases Management Methods, that have not been previously published in any way, or sent simultaneously to other journals, by scientific and literary peer-review. The history of the publication of the article and its references will be checked with Google Scholar. The plagiarism of the submitted articles will be investigated with the iTenticate software.
Article types:
1. Research Article
A detailed scientific report of the new findings of the author s' original research activity which is discussed and concluded. Sections of this type of article include: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.
2. Review Article
Review articles provide a comprehensive summary of research on a certain topic, based on the authors' professional and research background. In this type of article, by presenting their research findings and that of other researchers in that field, they provide an innovative approach to explaining the problem and presenting an appropriate solution to it. In this type of article it is necessary to include a large number of references from authors` published articles. Sections of this type of article include: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Appropriate sub-titles, Conclusion and References.
3. Methodology (Technical), Disease note (Case study), and Applied Articles
These articles are based on the author's professional field of research and study, which describes new scientific findings along with applied suggestion (s) in one of the areas of plant pathology science and deals with an educational-analytical method Sections of this type of articles include: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Appropriate sections, Conclusion and References.
Manuscript style
The article is prepared in Microsoft Word as a .doc document with an adjusted line spacing to 1.5, not exceed 15 pages. Although other means of preparation are acceptable. Standard A4 (210mm x 297mm) portrait page set-up with single column should be used. The left, right, top and bottom margins should be 30mm. Do not use any headers, footers or footnotes and insert the number of all pages in the middle of the bottom.
Files to be uploaded:
1. Cover page: On this page, write the article Title, Authors` full name (in capital letters), their affiliations and their full mailing address, along with the corresponding author's email (marked with * after surname).
2. Article main file (.doc or .docx)
This file includes: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, the appropriate sections (based on the article type), Conclusion and References.
The formats of these sections are as follows:
Title: A short, expressive, and comprehensive statement expresses the main theme of the article and should not exceed 15 words and should be written in Calibri 14 Bold (other sections in Calibri 12 Regular). The title should be short, correct, clear, complete, informing and attractive.
Abstract: The abstract should be a summary of all the parts of the article (in the research article including: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion).
Keywords: At least 3 (to 5) keywords to facilitate finding article in web searches.
Introduction: This part of the article starts from the second page and is written by Calibri 12, in which the problem and the importance of the topic, research history and research goals are express, based on valid scientific references. Introduction is part of the article with a list of already known facts, presented in order to inform readers on the topic and research issues. It also provides the reader with a basis on which the discussion later in the article was carried out. A clear definition of the problem and why exactly this issue was explored.
Materials and Methods: Description of methods, statistical and experimental design used, and data analysis method. If the methods are derived from other references, it is sufficient to state the general principles and source. Only if you use a modified method or a method for the first time, is it necessary to write a complete description of it.
Results: Write the results of the experiments and their data analysis, with the corresponding figures and tables. Avoid duplicating results (figure, table, etc.). If there is a table in the text, after writing the word “table”, its number and dash, the table title which is a clear and comprehensive description is given at the top of table. Only horizontal lines are allowed; no vertical lines, boxes, or other lines may be used unless they indicate the structure of the data. All tables should have the following three horizontal lines: one under the title, above the column headings, one between the column headings and the body of the table, one at the bottom of the table. If there is a need for an explanation of a table item, refer to the table with the appropriate number or symbol. Use the word “Figure” to refer to the image, photo and graph. The Figure (s) in the text should be in the original color and with a good (300dpi) resolution. The different parts of a Figure should also be indicated with capitalized English alphabet (A, B...) and the number, title and full description of the Figure (s) should be written at below. The Figure (s) of the research and review articles should belong to the author (s) and the word “original” should be written at the end of the description, but in the extensional articles using internet figures that have no "copyright mark" are permitted only when citing its source. The tables and figures should be referenced in the text and placed at the closest possible distance from the subject.
Discussion: Discussion is a critical review of the data described in the results. The results should be compared with other findings and discuss the theoretical and practical research outcome, in an independent paragraph.
Conclusion: Conclusion does not recount results, but combines them in a clear and understandable context. Conclusion should be short, clear and precise. It is necessary to make the final statement of what logically follows from the results of the work. In this section, while pointing out the importance of the topic and the most important new findings described, suggest a new theory or a suitable solution to the problem, in the form of an independent paragraph with no need to refer to the preceding sections.
Referencing: All arrays and scientific names of the living organisms are given in italic format that should be given with the author (s) name, when it first appears. Capitalize first letter of generic name, while the rest, including the whole of specific epithet, in small case. Leave a single space between generic name and specific epithet. Please use authentic references (scientific-research articles, abstracts and full articles published in the proceedings of authoritative scientific conferences and specialized books published by authoritative publishers) and ensure that data provided in the references are correct. Ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the text must be given in full. Avoid citing the anonymous sources, reports of final or annual research projects, masters and doctoral theses, and untrustworthy websites. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended. Reference the subject in parentheses showing the author's last name and the year of publication (Watanabe 2002, Jijakli and Lepoivre 2004, Moosavi et al. 2010).
References: All scientific references cited in the text must appear in the References list in the alphabetical order of the first letter of the first author's last name, in APA format.
Other tips
1. Authors are advised to speed up the process of reviewing the article by hyperlinking between any reference written in the article with the same reference in the references list as follow:
1-1. Select the source in the list of references,
1-2. In the Insert tab select the Bookmark option and enter the first author's last name (such as Webster) in the Bookmark name box and select the Add button.
1-3. Using the Find button in the Home tab, find the author (Webster) in the text and click on it. Right-click the Hyperlink option and in the pop-up window in the Link to section (left-hand column) select the Place in This Document and in the right click on the author's name (Webster) then select Import and confirm (Ok).
2. Authors are advised to carefully consider the list and order of the authors before submitting the manuscript and to provide a definitive list of authors at the time of original submission. Any request for addition, deletions, or rearrangements of authors' names in the authors list will not be accepted.
3. Author (s) is (are) responsible of the submitted work so should they ensure that the manuscript presents a technically as well as grammatically correct copy. A well-prepared manuscript will help to speed up the peer review process as less time will be spent by reviewers annotating technical inefficiencies of the paper and more time evaluating the intellectual content.
4. Acceptance of the paper will be communicated to the corresponding author after the completion of the review process and confirmation by the Scientific Editor. This author is required to make the final scientific and literary editing of the article (proposed by the members of editorial board) in the shortest possible time, so that the article can be published. Obviously, any neglect of these comments or delays in them can delay the time of printing or archiving the article.
5. Priority will be given to valuable articles that are submitted by faculty members who have continued to collaborate in reviewing articles.
How to Submit an Article
Authors are required to prepare their manuscripts according to the format given in Instructions for Authors. For paper submission, corresponding author should refer to the journal website ( and register himself/herself as an author using the "Register" link. After receiving their username and password, the author could use the "Submit paper" link, log in, and submit the manuscript.