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Showing 1 results for Ectomycorrhiza

Hamidreza Rahmani, Ebrahim Mohamadi Goltapeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (8-2016)

Rahmani  H. R. &  Mohamadi-Goltapeh E. 2016. Six forest species of truffles. Plant Pathology Science 5(2):1-12.

Edible mushrooms that are known as the truffle are classified in apothecial ascomycetes. They are obligate ectomycorrhiza of plants and produce their fruiting bodies on or below the surface of the soil. The genus Tuber belongs to the order Pezizales, class Pezizomycets, and has numbers of species with universal distribution. So far, France, Italy, United Kingdom and New Zealand have tried for the commercial production of truffle. Among the species of edible truffle of the universe, two valuable species, the white truffle, T. magnatum, and the black truffle, T. melanosporum, are the most valuable species. Because of their economic and medicinal importance, this is necessary to perform scientific research for their accurate identification.

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