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Showing 2 results for Decline

Mansureh Keshavarzi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2018)

Keshavarzi M. 2018. Olive  quick  decline  syndrome  disease. Plant Pathology Science 7(1):40-50.

Quick Decline Syndrome of Olive caused by Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, is currently spread in some European countries in Mediterranean Sea area and there is a risk of its spread beyond the Middle East. The initial symptom is marginal leaf blight, then fruit drop and shoot dieback appears. Growing multiple suckers and finally death of whole tree are the other symptoms. In addition to olive, almond and oleander are also susceptible to this pathogen. The characteristics, biology, host range, transmission and distribution routes of the causal agent are described. In addition, disease prevention and management methods are proposed here. 


Mehdi Azadvar, Hamidreza Alizadeh, Mousa Najafinia, Mohammadreza Safarnejad, Samad Esfandiari,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Azadvar M, Alizadeh HR, Najafinia M, Safarnejad MR  and  Esfandiari S (2019) Citrus sudden decline disease in the south of Kerman province. Plant Pathology Science 8(2): 31-37. DOI: 10.2982/PPS.8.2.31
During recent years, the newly emerging disease, citrus sudden decline (CSD) has destroyed many of citrus trees grafted onto bael rootstock in the south of Kerman Province. The disease is caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and its simultaneous infection to soil born pathogens or Ca. Phytoplasma aurantifolia, or heat and drought stresses can increase the disease severity and appearance of the decline symptoms. Using the healthy and certified rootstock, using the Sour Orange or Volkamer Lemon as rootstock, control of the sucking insects at the time of flushing, optimum irrigation with appropriate distribution especially during the summer season, control of soil born fungi and nematodes, avoiding stress to plant and appropriate pruning are recommended for prevention and management of CSD disease in the south of Kerman Province.

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