Abdollah Ahmadpour,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2018)
Ahmadpour A. 2018. Review of shot-hole disease of stone-fruit trees. Plant Pathology Science 7(2):1-13. DOI: 10.2982/PPS.7.2.1
Shot-hole caused by Stigmina carpophila , is an important disease of stone fruit trees worldwide including Iran. The pathogen produces sporodochia bearing sympodial conidiophores, bearing conidia which have often 3-5 cells. Pathogen has wide host range and can infect almost all species of the genus Prunus. The pathogen overwinters as mycelium in twig cankers and blighted buds or in it is associated with dormant buds. Temperature and duration of wetness are important factors on disease incidence and its severity. The pathogen penetrates the plant indirectly through stomata or directly with its appressoria. Because of the importance of shot hole disease in Iran, symptoms, morphological characteristics of the pathogen, epidemiological factors and methods of disease management are discussed in this review.