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Showing 1 results for Pirifomospora

Hamidreza Rahmani, Ebrahim Mohamadi Goltapeh, Naser Safaie,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Rahmani H. R., Mohammadi Goltapeh E. & Safaie N. 2015. The role  of  endophytic fungus Pirifomospora indica  in  plant  disease  management. Plant Pathology Science 5(1):48-61.

Piriformospora indica as the one of the most important soil endophytic microorganism, can increase yield of plants per unit area, by modifying the physiological characteristics of the host plants. It also provide the possibility of crop production in saline and arid soils or even in some conditions with biotic and abiotic stresses.  It grants resistance to plant against diseases, through the induction of systemic resistance. Also the fungus can cause an increase in resistance to salinity and drought, through the increase in antioxidant capacity of root cells and levels of resistance proteins in their host plants. In order to adopt organic farming and achieve sustainable agriculture, this fungus can be used as a suitable alternative for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

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