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Showing 1 results for Nano-Chitosan

Aida Ahmadizadeh Esfahani, Mehdi Sadravi, Sholeh Kazemi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Ahmadizadeh Esfahani A, Sadravi M and Kazem S (2019) Effect of nano-chitosan on early blight disease of tomato. Plant Pathology Science 8(2):102-109.
DOI: 10.2982/PPS.8.2.102.
Introduction: Early blight caused by Alternaria species is one of the most important tomato diseases in the world. The disease has been reported from most areas in Iran with up to 90% infection. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of nano-chitosan on the severity of the ‎disease and its use as a replacement‎ of the chemical fungicide, chlorothalonil. Materials and Methods: Diseased tomato plants of fields and greenhouses of Fars province in southern Iran were sampled. Pathogens were isolated from diseased tissues, purified and identified by studying their morphological characteristics. The effect of nano-chitosan at three concentrations of three, five and seven grams per liter and the fungicide chlorothalonil were tested before and after inoculation of two pathogens. The disease severity indexes were measures in Sunseed and 16 cultivars of tomato under greenhouse conditions using a factorial experimental in completely randomized design with four replications. The data were analyzed with comparing the means. Results: The isolated pathogens were identified as A. solani and A. alternata. Results of the greenhouse experiment showed that A. solani was more aggressive than A. alternata and the cultivar 16 was more resistant to the disease. Nano-chitosan at 5 and 7 mg/ l significantly reduced disease severity indexes when use before pathogen inoculation, and at 7 mg/l when use after pathogen inoculation. Conclusion: Nano-chitosan can be used as a bio-fungicide to replace chlorothalonil as a chemical fungicide for disease management.

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