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Showing 2 results for RAHIMIZADEH

Mehdi Sadravi, Mahya Rahimizadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2-2016)

Sadravi  M. & Rahimizadeh  M. 2016. Ten  useful  Penicillium species. Plant Pathology Science 5(1):1-13.

Penicillium species have saprophytic live on plants debris, in the soil and also on some plant products, fresh and juicy damaged fruits as well as the storage fruit and grains.  They can characterized by studying the features of their colony, conidiophores, phialids  and conidia on selective culture media. The ability of some isolates of P. aurantiogriseumP. bilaiae, P. chrysogenum, P. citrinum, P. funiculosus, P. glabrum, P. griseofulvumP. oxalicum, P. purpurogenum and P. simplicissimum to control plants diseases such as Fusarium and Verticillium wilt of tomato, pulse white and gray molds, brown rot and blight twig of peach, late blight and cyst of potato has been proved. They also can act as plant growth promoter. Key  morphological characteristics of  these ten species of Penicillium  is described in this paper. Most of these species are reported from Iran, thus identification and use of the efficient isolates of them can be suggested in management of plants diseases or in enhancement of plants growth programs. 

Mahya Rahimizadeh, Mehdi Sadravi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (2-2017)

Rahimizadeh M. & Sadravi  M. 2016. Eight useful Aspergillus species. Plant Pathology Science 6(1): 22-32.

Aspergillus species are saprophytic fungi which can live on plant debris in the soil and water and also on some plant products, stored fruits and grains. They can be identified by studying the features of colonies, conidiophores, vesicles, phialids and conidia, on selective culture media. The biocontrol potential of some isolates of A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. niger, A. piperis, A. repens, A. tamarii, A. terrus and A. tubingensis, against some plant diseases such as cocoa black pod, root galls and Fusarium root rot of tomato, Alternaria leaf spot, Fusarium dry rot, potato pink and soft rot of tubers has been proven. They also can act as plant growth promoter and aflatoxin reducer agent in seeds and nuts. Key morphological characteristics of these eight species of Aspergillus is described in this paper. Most of these species are reported from Iran, thus identification and application of their efficient isolates can be suggested in plant diseases management as well as the plant growth enhancement programs.

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