Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2015)                   jfer 2015, 1(2): 63-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Mirzaei M, Bonyad A E, Mohebi Bijarpas M. (2015). Modeling of Frequency Distribution of Tree’s Height in Uneven-Aged Stands in Dalab of Ilam. jfer. 1(2), 63-74.
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/jzfr/article-1-50-en.html
University of Guilan , Mehrdadmirzaei28@gmail.com
Abstract:   (15128 Views)
The aim of this research, was to model the height frequency distribution of Quercus persica in Dalab forests of Ilam. In order to investigate the height frequency distribution of trees in the natural stands, 37 transect with fixed length (50m) selected and data were measure based on systematic random patterns with 100m×100m dimensions of network inventory. Finally, height of 209 trees of oak were measured and analyzed. Beta, Exponential, Gamma, Normal, Log-normal and Weibull probability distribution functions were fitted to the height distribution of oak trees. Characteristics of distribution function using the maximum likelihood estimation method was estimated. Empirical probability distribution and theoretical probability distribution was compared using Kolmogorov Smirnov and Chi square tests. The results of the Kolmogorov Smirnov test showed that Beta, Normal, Weibull, Gamma and Log-normal distributions were fitted to data better respectively but the Chi square test showed that Beta and Log-normal distributions had a good capability in explaining the trees height distribution. We concluded that Beta and Log-normal probability distributions can be used for those who want to simulate changes of forests.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/02/12 | Accepted: 2015/03/3

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