Volume 10, Issue 2 ((Autumn & Winter) 2024)                   Iranian J. Seed Res. 2024, 10(2): 167-186 | Back to browse issues page

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Gholamalipour Alamdari E, Habibi M, Masoumi M H, Babayani M, Saravani A A. (2024). Evaluation of allelopathic stress of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) on the germination, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of green pea (Pisum sativum), the benchmark plant sensitive to allelochemicals. Iranian J. Seed Res.. 10(2), : 11 doi:10.61186/yujs.10.2.167
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/jisr/article-1-604-en.html
Gonbad Kavous University , eg.alamdari@gonbad.ac.ir
Abstract:   (893 Views)
Extended abstract
Introduction: In agricultural systems, several environmental stresses can remarkably alter the growth, physiological, and biochemical responses of plants under stress. One of these factors is the biochemical reactions between plants along with the production of secondary compounds. Allelochemicals mainly have defence and cell wall ligninization roles in plants and do not directly play a role in the growth processes of plants. Thus, an experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of allelopathic stress of Hypericum perforatum on the germination, physiological, biochemical, and antioxidant activity characteristics of green pea, the benchmark plant sensitive to allelochemicals.
Materials and methods: The treatments included different concentrations of H. perforatum at 11 levels (i.e., 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100% of the aqueous extract). This research was carried out as a completely randomized design with three replications at the weed science laboratory of Gonbad Kavous University in 2023.
Results: The results of this study showed that one of the factors influencing the physiological, and biochemical characteristics of green pea is the concentration of the H. perforatum extract. In most cases, the percentage and rate of green pea germination, radicle and plumule length, and dry weight of radicle and plumule decreased with increased concentration of aqueous extract compared to the control, so that the greatest reduction in these characteristics was observed in 100% of H. perforatum extract. In contrast, the content of compatible osmolytes such as proline and soluble sugars, phenolic and flavonoid compounds, and antioxidant activity of green pea roots and plumules increased significantly in all studied treatments, with the highest increase in these characteristics observed at the concentration of 100% of H. perforatum aqueous extract. In general, the decrease in the dry weight of green pea seedlings due to the increase in the concentration of the aqueous extract of H. perforatum, despite the relative increase in the content of physiological and biochemical traits, indicates the high intensity of allelopathic stress of H. perforatum extract and their insufficiency, which leads to cytotoxicity against oxidative stress.
Conclusion: Considering the heterotoxicity effect of H. perforatum on green pea sensitive to allelochemicals and its distribution in gardens, barren lands, and wheat and corn fields, the possible effect of their residues in the next planting and even in case of presence in mixed cultivation should be considered.

  1. Aqueous extract obtained from the H. perforatum drastically reduces the germination and seedling growth of green peas.
  2. The difference in the effect of the aqueous extract of H. perforatum on green pea, the benchmark plant sensitive to allelochemicals, depends on their concentration threshold.
  3. The high intensity of allelopathic stress of H. perforatum extract and insufficient non-enzymatic antioxidants lead to oxidative stress.
Article number: 11
Full-Text [PDF 523 kb]   (395 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Seed Physiology
Received: 2024/02/26 | Revised: 2024/06/9 | Accepted: 2024/03/18 | ePublished: 2024/06/9

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