Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2020)                   Plant Pathol. Sci. 2020, 9(1): 68-77 | Back to browse issues page

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Najafiniaya M, Azadvar M. (2020). Review of durable management of soil-borne plant pathogens. Plant Pathol. Sci.. 9(1), 68-77. doi:10.29252/pps.9.1.68
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/pps/article-1-292-en.html
Plant Protection Research Department, South Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Jiroft. , m.najafinia@areeo.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5471 Views)
Najafiniya M , Azadvar M (2020) Review of durable management of soil-borne plant pathogens. Plant Pathology Science 9(1):68-77. DOI: 10.2982/PPS.9.1.68.
Plant diseases play a critical and limiting role in crop production and their control by using pesticides cause serious problems regarding food safety and environmental health and increase the need for other sustainable disease management techniques. Some of plant pathogens may infect the aerial parts of plants, but spent part of their life cycle in the soil and maintained their survival. In such cases, part of the life cycle of the plant pathogen in soil may be very important, even if that microorganism does not infect the roots. Mono culturing and cultivation of crops belonging to the same family increase the potential of disease incidence. Using and applying the suitable and correct cultural practices that limit damage of root diseases is necessary for sustainable management of soil-borne pathogens. Cultural operations, including the use of cover green crops, crop rotation, organic composts, certified seeds and propagative materials, amended organic material to soil, proper tillage systems, soil solarization, resistant cultivars, mycorrhizal fungi, all are reported and confirmed as management options for long time saving soil quality and good sustainable management of soil borne diseases.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/12/7 | Accepted: 2020/03/4

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