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Showing 1 results for Lettuce

Fahima Yarahmadi, Mostafa Darvishnia, Kourosh Azizi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Yarahmadi F, Darvishnia M, Azizi K (2023) Root-lesion and cyst nematodes of vegetable and cucurbits fields in the suburbs of Rumeshkan city, Lorestan province, Iran. Plant Pathology Science 12(2):53-65.
Introduction: Root lesions and cyst nematodes can cause serious damage and loss in vegetable and squash production. This research aimed to identify these important plant parasitic nematodes in the fields of these plants in the suburbs of Rumeshkan city, Lorestan province, Iran. Materials and Methods: Forty-five soil and root samples were collected from vegetable and squash fields in the region, in 2021. The nematodes were extracted using the tray method and fixed using the modified de Grisse method and transferred to glycerol. After the permanent microscopic slides were prepared, the morphological characteristics of each nematode were examined using a bright-field microscope equipped with a digital camera and then identified using valid keys. Results: The lesion nematodes were identified as Pratylenchus speijeriP. neglectus and P. thornei and the cyst nematode as Heterodera schachtii. This is the first report and description of P. speijeri from Iran and also the first report of H. schachtii from lettuce in Iran. Conclusion: Due to the presence of these important plant parasitic nematodes on these plants in this region, appropriate management practices need to be implemented.


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