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Showing 1 results for Narnaviridae

Mina Rastgou,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Rastgou M. 2018. Characteristics of Ourmia melon virus (OuMV). Plant Pathology Science 7(2): 34-46. DOI :10.2982/PPS.7.2.34

Ourmia melon virus (OuMV) is one of the viruses that cause mosaic disease in melon (Cucumis melo L.), in West-Azerbaijan Province and some other parts of Iran including Guilan, Fars and Alborz Provinces. This virus was first detected in diseased cucurbits with mosaic and ring spot symptoms, in Urmia in 1978. The virus has unique characteristics that differentiate it from other viruses that infect cucurbits. The virus particles are bacilliform with conical ends. Genome consists of three linear positive-sense single-stranded RNAs, each encoding one protein. Host range mostly limited to Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae families. Ourmia melon virus, Epirus cherry virus and Cassava virus C are three species those are placed in the genus Ourmiavirus.

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