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Showing 2 results for Mirabolfathy

Seyed Reza Fani, Mohammad Moradi, Mansoureh Mirabolfathy,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Fani S R, Moradi M and Mirabolfathy M (2019) A review of the pistachio gummosis disease. Plant Pathology Science 8(2):16-30. DOI:10.2982/PPS.8.2.16
Iranian Pistachio is one of the most important horticultural product in export market. Crown and root rot caused by Phytophthora species is the most serious disease of plant, which annually destroys a considerable number of mature and young trees. This disease has been reported from all provinces of Iran. The pathogen is soil-borne and is distributed by sporangia or the released zoospores and infects the healthy trees. In the most Pistachio orchards, the key factors of disease development are the sensitivity of pistachio crown to Phytophthora and the flooding method of irrigation. The symptoms of the disease are include blight in early spring, drying of the green leaves during the growing season, gum exudation from the crown of tree  and the root rot. Gummosis can be successfully controlled by integrated disease management including orchard constructing in non-infected areas, using resistant or tolerant cultivars, using healthy rootstocks, improving the irrigation methods and avoiding the direct contact of water with tree crown, isolating the contaminated parts of the orchard from the healthy parts, using suitable fungicide, and biological control based on Trichoderma and Bacillus species.

Amir Hossein Mohamadi, Masoumeh Haghdel, Mansoyreh Mirabolfathy, Hossein Alaei,
Volume 11, Issue 2 ((Spring and Summer) 2022)

Mohammadi AH, Haghdel M, Mirabolfathy M, Alaei H (2022) Armillaria root and crown rot disease in pistachio orchards. Plant Pathology Science 11(2):92-102. 
Doi: 10.2982/PPS.11.2.92  

Pistachio is one of the most important horticultural products in Iran which its production is always affected by biotic and abiotic limiting factors. Armillaria crown and root rot caused by Armillaria mellea, is an important disease in pistachio orchards, which causes the death of fertile trees. Control of the disease is difficult, costly and rarely successful. Symptoms of the disease in shoots of affected trees includes yellowing, early defoliation, sudden wilting, dieback of branches and reduction shoot growth. These symptoms, together with the decay and browning of woody tissues and the formation of white to creamy mycelial sheets in the roots and crown, as well as the observation of rhizomorphs of the fungus, are sufficient evidence for definitive diagnosis of Armillaria crown and root rot in pistachio trees. The infection process begins with the growth of hyphae or rhizomorphs and their firm attachment to the surface of the roots. The pathogen uses a combination of methods such as mechanical pressure, toxin production, and cell wall-degrading enzymes to penetrate the root tissues. Successful control of the disease is possible only by combining chemical, cultural, biological control methods and use of resistant rootstocks and cultivars due to delay in diagnosis of the disease before the spread of the pathogen in plant and soil and the appearance of symptoms, the presence of an extensive network of rhizomorphs at a distance from the tree and deep in the soil and formation of the mycelium beneath the plant bark or inside dead wood.

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