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Showing 1 results for Abbasi Domshahri

Mohammad Abbasi Domshahri, Reza Ghaderi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Abbasi Domshahri M. and Ghaderi R. 2019. Causal agents of citrus trees decline in Fars province . Plant Pathology Science 8(1):15-23. DOI: 10.2982/PPS.8.1.15.
 During recent years, citrus trees decline has becoming one of the most important factors of limiting the area of citrus orchards in the south of Iran including Fars province. Different biotic and abiotic agents were attributed to citrus decline worldwide, but it appears that some abiotic stresses including soil drought, and soil or water salinity, as well as some infectious diseases including gummosis, dieback, citrus nematode and witch’s broom are more important in Fars province. This is an attempt to gather information of the potential agents of complex diseases known as “citrus trees decline”, as well as, discussion on management strategies of citrus decline in Fars province.

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