Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2014)                   Plant Pathol. Sci. 2014, 3(2): 1-21 | Back to browse issues page

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Abdollahi M, Akramipoor N. (2014). Application of Bacteria in Biological Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes . Plant Pathol. Sci.. 3(2), 1-21.
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/pps/article-1-65-en.html
Yasouj University , mdabdollahi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (19519 Views)
Plant-parasitic nematodes are one of the most important pests worldwide and cause considerable economic loss to many of agricultural products. Some of soil inhabited nematodes are affected by some of antagonistic bacteria, so they can be used in biological control. Nematodes can be affected by bacteria in different ways such as direct suppression, promotion of plant growth, and facilitation of rhizosphere colonization. In overall, regarding to effect of soil inhabits bacteria on nematodes they can be classified as toxin producing, antibiotic producing and enzyme producing as well as plant growth promoting groups. Based on the recent researches, bacteria are divided to six groups including: parasitic bacteria (nematophagous bacteria), opportunistic parasitic bacteria, rhizobacteria, endophytic bacteria, symbionts of entomopathogenic nematodes and cry protein-forming bacteria. Combination of bacteria with some other antagonistic microorganisms was successful in control of plant parasitic nematodes.
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Type of Study: Extentional | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/02/8 | Accepted: 2014/05/14

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