Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2019)                   Plant Pathol. Sci. 2019, 8(1): 60-73 | Back to browse issues page

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KARIMIPOUR FARD H, SAEIDI K. (2019). Biopesticides from Entomopathogenic Nematodes. Plant Pathol. Sci.. 8(1), 60-73. doi:10.29252/pps.8.1.60
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/pps/article-1-267-en.html
1. Department of Plant Protection Researches, Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Yasouj, Iran , karimipourfard@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5116 Views)
Karimipour Fard H. and Saeidi K. 2019. Biopesticides from entomopathogenic nematodes   Plant Pathology Science 8(1): 60-73. DOI: 10.2982/PPS.8.1.60.
In the recant decade, biopesticides with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have been developed with using different methods and materials. But the production of such biopesticides has always accompanied by some limitations such as low quality of the final product, and reducing the efficacy under field conditions. Recently, significant progress has been made in increasing in the survival time of these products. Applying two types of formulations, water dispersible granules and calcium alginate capsules, has increased the EPN survival time from 7 days to 180 days. As compare to aqueous formulation, the formulations based on the use of insect cadavers with EPNs, showed higher efficiency in pest control. New methods of the mass production of EPNs, using automated production lines and the use of new additives with better properties for field applications and methods in increasing the infectivity of these nematodes in pests are discussed in this article.
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Type of Study: Extentional | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/01/16 | Accepted: 2019/06/18

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