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Showing 3 results for Quercus Brantii

Hassan Pourbabaei, Rasoul Cheraghi, Sepide Sadat Ebrahimi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2015)

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of aspect on woody species structure and diversity in the Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) site, Dashtak area, Kohkiloye and Boyer Ahamd province in western Iran. Measurements were carried out in 3 elevation classes range from 2200 m to 2400 m a.s.l. Then, three sampling plots with area of 2500- m2 were selected in each elevation class. In total, five tree species, including Quercus brantii, Crataegusdavisii, Pistacia atlantica. Subsp. mutica, Lonicera nummulariifolia and Amygdalus communisand three shrub species such as Cerasus microcarpa, Amygdalus orientalis and Daphne mucronata were identified in the study area. In regeneration and tree layers the sum of basal area and average of regeneration's density was higher in southwestern aspect and belonged to Quercus brantii. The results of diversity indices in the tree layer indicated that the average of H (Shannon-Wiener index), Evar (Smith-Wilson index) and species richness were higher in southwestern aspect than in the northeastern aspects. In addition, the values of all diversity, evenness and richness indices were significantly higher in southwestern aspect the in shrub and regeneration layers. In general, the results indicated that the diversity indices increased under favorable conditions of ecological, environmental and structural factors. Furthermore, livestock access and exploitation of local people should be restricted off, providing favorable conditions in order to increase the diversity of species.

Hossein Mirzaie-Nodoushan, Zahra Abravesh, . Mahdi Pourhashemi, Majid Hassani, Parisa Panahi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (3-2016)

Although Quercus brantii Lindl. has shown suitable genetic variation in Iran, which is required for a sustainable forest ecosystem, but during the last decade, it came across some difficulties which are considered as oak decline. This research investigated seedling characteristics of four plant populations of the Quercus brantii species to assess genetic potentials of the populations to base a cornerstone for complimentary studies. Seeds were collected on ten single trees for each of plant population located in Kurdistan, Lorestan, Ilam, and Fars provinces in Iran. Seeds were sown in pots at greenhouse conditions to produce at least 30 single progeny seedlings from each population with three replications were studied. Vegetative characteristics such as plant height, leaf length, leaf width, and plant vigor were studied on the single plants. Data were analyzed based on a double nested statistical model, and then the data were analyzed on each population separately. Results indicated significant differences between the studied populations based on seedling height and plant vigor. Plant within population, showing possible differences between the single trees within the populations, was also significant for seedling height, leaf length and leaf width. In population based analysis, the populations showed different behaviors, so as there was not significant effects between single plants in Kurdistan population for plant height and leaf traits; whereas, in Lorestan and Ilam populations significant effects for the mentioned traits were observed. Although the populations showed different characteristics at seedling stage, but it is sought that there are still enough genetic variability and the high heritability that might be used in future breeding projects.

Seyyed Majed Hesami, Saeiid Davazdahemami,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (9-2016)

Phenology studies can be appliedin sustainable management, protection, rehabilitation, development, and utilization of forest resources. In this study, the phenology of  Persian oak was investigated in three forested areas of Mamasani, Dasht-e-Arjan and Kamfirouz with 2300 m,2100 m,1800 m altitude, respectively in south –west and north of Fars province, Iran. In each area, ninetrees were visited repeatedlyat different times in different seasons during 5 years (1998-2002) and the observed characteristics were recorded. The results showed the stages of growth were completely different at the threementioned areas. The shoots sprouted up in the second week of March to the first week of April. The full leaf formation happened in the second week of April to the fourth week of April. The early flowers appeared in the second week of March to the fourth week April. Pollination occurred in the third week of March to the third week in April. The leaves began to fall in the fourth week of October to the fourth week of December. So characteristics of phenology in Persian oak were affected by climate and environmental factors.

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