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Showing 2 results for Ghasemi Aghbash

Farhad Ghasemi Aghbash, Geshin Allah Veisi, Vahid Hosseini,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (9-2016)

Litter decomposition is the most important way of nutrient entering to soil and soil nutrient availability is highly related to dynamics of nutrients and litter decomposition in the forest ecosystems. This study aimed to evaluate the dynamics of nutrients and litter decomposition in the northern Zagros forests using litterbag technique for 180 days in the Khul Hoare forests located in Baneh city. The litter bags were collected at intervals of 30, 60, 120 and 180 days and the rate of leaf litter decomposition and chemical compounds such as nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, potassium and calcium were measured. The results showed there was no significant correlation between the rate of decomposition and the initial composition of nutrients and also C: N and C: P ratios. Due to the qualification of leaf litter based on the amount of nitrogen in this study, the average amount of nitrogen in Quercus libani was 1.37%. So Lebanon oak can be classified in the average group and it can be considered as a soil improver species. In the studied litter, phosphorus and nitrogen had a similar performance and their concentration increased over time (7.27 and 30.38 mg/g respectively). While concentration of elements such as calcium, potassium and magnesium was decreased. The nutrient concentration of Quercus libani leaf litter was Ca>N>P>K> Mg.

Dr Farhad Ghasemi Aghbash, Sara Falahi,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (3-2017)

Background and objectives: The recent movements opposing deforestation are indicative of the fact that in most programs carried out, less attention has been paid to the socio-economic status of the local people. In extensive deforestation, rural communities play a significant role. Therefore, this study examines the role of economic and social factors in the destruction of the forests of the Oulad Ghobad regions.Materials and methods: This research was carried out as a field study, using a questionnaire. The population comprised 398 families living on the outskirts of the Saman-e Orfi Forest in the Oulad Ghobad region. Out of this population, 150 families were randomly chosen, using Cochran’s sample size formula. Furthermore, 40 questionnaires were distributed among the officers of Lorestan Natural Resources Office. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire established by a pre-test and Cronbach's alpha were 0.83 for local people and 0.705 for officers, respectively.Results: The findings showed that from the viewpoints of both officers and local people, human factors (such as lack of agricultural lands, conversion of forests into agricultural lands by forest dwellers, poverty and and low income, and high unemployment rate) contribute more to deforestation, compared to natural factors (such as drought and forest fire). As for prioritizing human and natural factors contributing to deforestation, the results showed that according to local people, lack of agricultural lands (mean rank of 7.58), and according to officers, conversion of forests to agricultural lands by foresters (mean rank of 11.25) were the main contributing factors. In addition, the results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between income and the factors contributing to deforestation (P <0.001).
Conclusion: In general, the results showed that human factors have a significant effect on the deforestation of the Oulad Ghobad region of Koohdasht and  the role of human factors is more conspicuous compared to natural factors.

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