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Showing 2 results for pilehvar

Babk Pilehvar, Sayed Vahid Sayedena, Javad Soosani, Hamzeh Jafari Sarabi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2015)

Assessment of the plantation is fundamental for managers to improve plantation quality and successful plantation in the future. This study aimed to assess and compares Makhmalkooh forest park plantation data due to 18 years old period. Sampling was performed in a randomized systematic design using 60 circular plots in a 50*150 m rectangular grid. Diameter at breast height, basal area, tree height and crown canopy were measured for each species in all plots, and then total volume and mean of growth increment based on age were computed. Results showed that Cupressus arizonica and Amygdalus scoparia had the highest value in density, heterogeneity in species composition, and crown canopy and Capressus sempervirens and Olea europea had the least one. The survival rate for all species were 78.5 percent and different plantation types showed significant difference in diameter, basal area, crown canopy and total volume. The most value in mean of diameter and height increment was assigned to Pinus brutia and Cupressus sempervirens and the least value were assigned to Olea europea and Amygdalus scoparia. The results showed that Cupressus arizonica and Pinus brutia are the best species for afforestation in this region.
Babak Pilehvar, Zahra Mirazadi, Vahid Alijani, Hamzeh Jafari Sarabi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2015)

Considering the importance of forest structure and interaction among different tree species, this study conducted aimed to determine and compare spatial pattern, heterogeneity, and dimensions of Hawthorn and Maple trees with other neighbor trees. For determining Hawthorn and Maple trees structure, 30 individual of each trees were identified and studied. Based on the results, uniform angle index for Hawthorn and Maple trees were 0/744, and 0/733 respectively, which would propose a clumped pattern for these two species. Computed mingling index values for Hawthorn and Maple were 0/877 and 0/955 respectively that show a high tree species mixture. Also, the average of crown canopy differentiation and crown canopy dimension were 0/582 and 0/322 respectively, for Hawthorn tee and it was 0/42 and 0/656 respectively for Maple tree. Based on mean values, these results show that Hawthorn had high level of differentiation but was inferior in comparing to its neighbors whereas Maple has intermediate differentiation and is dominant to the other neighbors. The average distance to nearest neighbors for Hawthorn and Maple were calculated 7/374 and 6/278 respectively. The results of an absolute discrepancy algorithm (AD) showed a high differentiation of Hawthorn and Maple mixture in comparing to the other indices. It is concluded that maple is superior to hawthorn in dimension and because of low frequency of these two species, they hold high values of mingling indices.

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