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Abouzar Heidari Safari Kouch, Freshteh Moradian Fard, Azita Eskandari, Teimour Rostami Shahraji,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2015)

Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) has a wide distribution in central Zagros forests and it is the prevalent species in this region. Considering the high volume of demolition and the importance of safekeeping of this jungle, investigation and knowing the structure and the situation of this forest from the qunatitative and qualitative aspects is necessary. This study accomplished to investigate the condition of the Iranian oaks (Quercus brantii Lindl.) forests from the qunatitativeand qualitative aspects of Bazoft district of Kouhrang township of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiaris province. In this respect, 60 numbers of plots with 400 meter distance  in a randomize systematic method established in the area. Then in the studding plots the quantitativecharacteristics of trees like: dbh, trees high, crown diameter measured and some characteristics like canopy percent and firewoods were estimated and registered. Also qunatitative marks from 1 to 4 were given to the trees and they were recorded and data were analyzed. The results shown that the jungle wasa non- coeval and it was sparse forest. Also, 81% of the region had 0-25% coverage. The most density and firewood volume was observedin northeast direction. Also,75% of the trees were inthe proper degrees of Succulence. The results of this study showed the average and a suitable situation of study area stands in comparison to the other regions of central Zagros forests.


Ismaeil Moradi Emamgheysi, Amir Eslam Bonyad, Mehrdad Mirzaei, Iraj Hasanzad Navroodi,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (3-2016)

The aim of this research was study of tree species diversity in the Zagros forests of Iran that known as Ardal’s Chartagh protected forests. The total of the study area was 50 hectares. In this way 50 sample plots (circular shape with 1000m2) were measured based on systematic-random sampling method. In each plot species, DBH, species and number of trees were measured and recorded. To estimate of the tree species diversity, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, Mc Arthur’s N1 and Hill’s N2 indices and for calculation of evenness and species richness Wilson- Smith’s and Margalef indices were used respectively. Also species importance value (SIV) was calculated. The results showed that there are 7 tree species in the study area including Fraxinus rotundifolia Mill., Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch, Cerasus mahaleb (L.) Mill., Quercus brantii var. persica, Pistacia mutica Fischer, Acer monspessulanum subsp. cinerascens and Salix persica Boiss.. Values of Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, Mc Arthur’s N1 and Hill’s N2 indices are 1.23, 0.58, 2.40 and 2.16. Also Wilson- Smith’s and Margalef indices showed that the values of richness and evenness are about 0.84 and 0.77. The results of SIV showed that the highest value of SIV belonged to the Fraxinus rotundifolia Mill. (188.63%) and the lowest value was due to Salix persica Boiss (17.59%). Therefore, conservation of forest stands might be suggested as a suitable approach for increasing plant diversity.

Sabrieh Moradi , Roghayeh Zolfaghari ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (3-2016)

Morphological characteristics of individuals are due to hereditary and environmental factors. Regarding to the importance of leaf morphology in systematics investigations and bearing up the effects of environmental variations, especially altitudinal variations on these traits, the differentiation feasibility of brant oak in a restricted altitudinal gradient is investigated. A total number of 400 leaves from 40 individual ramets in Armarde, in an altitudinal ranges from 1580 to 1844 meters above sea level were sampled and 29 quantitative and qualitative traits were measured. The results revealed that the number of teeth and the shape of leaf at lower altitudes are lesser than higher altitudes. Also, leaf base angle has a negative and significant correlation with the altitude. In two altitudinal classes, the shape of leaf tip and the angle of midrib and vein, showed the lowest plasticity and coefficient of variation with respect to environmental conditions. Ramets were classified in three different classes based on cluster analysis and the separator traits were the maximum leaf width, leaf area and sinusoidal angle. Considering the fact that the separator traits would not showed any significant association with altitude,  it seems that some variations might be likely due to physiological response of leaves to environmental variations. However, it's more likely that the occurrence of inter and intra specific hybridization between brant´s oak species would culminated in separation of the individuals.

Fatemeh Nazar Pour, Mostafa Moradi, Reza Basiri, Hmid Taleshi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (reserch article 2024)

Background and objectives: Site demands and characteristics of different plant species is necessary for forest protection and restoration. Therefore, soil properties determination is one of the most important steps in plant species site demands determination. This research was conducted to understand sire demands of Lonicera nummulariifolia in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. Besides, to determine the most important soil factors affecting on L. nummulariifolia distribution.  
Materials and methods: Four sites including Gazestan (1792 m above sea level), Samsami (2210 m a.s.l.), Kohrang (2215 m a.s.l.), and Ardal (1531 m a.s.l.) were selected in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Soil samples were taken from the depth of 0-30 cm. soil physicochemical properties including soil nitrogen, available potassium, organic carbon, pH, and electrical conductivity, were determined. Besides, quantitative characteristic of trees (tree diameter, height, and crown diameter) were measured. Soil properties were evaluated using one-way ANOVA. Furthermore, principal component analysis was used to determine the most important soil variables affecting L. nummulariifolia distribution.
Results: Results of this study indicated that the tallest and shortest trees with the average of 2.26 and 1.57 belonged to the Kograng and Gazestan, respectively. Also, trees origin in the Samsami site was coppice while in the other three sites they were high stands. Soil physicochemical properties indicated that soil electrical conductivity, nitrogen and organic matter had no significant differences between studied sites. Furthermore, soil pH was almost neutral in studied sites and showed no significant differences. While, Kohrang and Gazestan had the highest significant value of potassium. The least value of potassium was belonged to the Samsami. While, the most and least values of silt belonged to the Gazestan and Kohrang, respectively. Gazestan had the least value of soil sand percent compared to the other studied sites. Conical correspondence analysis indicted that the most important factors affecting L. nummulariifolia distribution are soil organic matter, nitrogen, potassium, electrical conductivity, clay, aspects, and slope respectively. 
Conclusion: L. nummulariifolia distribution demands for sites with the higher soil nutrient and organic carbon. Also, it’s prefer neutral soil pH. In the other world soil physiochemical properties play and important role in L. nummulariifolia distribution and information about site requirements of this species could help to identify proper sites for reforestation to enrichments of Zagros forest.

Niloufar Abbasi, Reza Basiri, Mostafa Moradi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (reserch article 2024)

Background and Objectives: Plant ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between plants and environmental factors that determine their distribution and abundance. Ecology provides the necessary framework for an accurate understanding of vegetation dynamics and species distribution, emphasizing the essential role of vegetation within ecosystems. The biodiversity of any habitat plays a crucial role in the stability and health of the natural environment. The assessment of different plant species and their distributions allows important steps to be taken towards biodiversity conservation. Researchers use parametric distribution models, also known as abundance distribution models, to evaluate vegetation diversity and evaluate species diversity. The four main models developed by ecologists include the geometric series model, the lognormal series model, the logarithmic series model, and the broken-stick model, which are used to adjust the distribution of species diversity. The application of parametric models in riparian forests - one of the most diverse and complex plant communities in the world - has provided a new perspective on methods for assessing ecological diversity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure biodiversity in the riparian forests of Maroon River in Behbahan district using biodiversity distribution models.

Materials and methods: In this study, transects were laid at 100-meter intervals across the study area to record vegetation. We surveyed 79 sample plots and recorded and analyzed the percentage of tree cover, number of individuals and species composition. The TWINSPAN analysis classified the sampled plots into two ecological groups based on the indicator species Populus euphratica Oliv. and Tamarix arceuthoides Bunge, resulting in 56 and 23 sample plots, respectively. Using the species abundance data and the chi-square test for goodness of fit, we tested the fit of the Geometric, Lognormal, Logarithmic and Broken-Stick parametric models for each ecological group.

Results: The results of the chi-square test showed significant differences between the observed and expected abundance of species in both ecological groups (Populus euphratica and Tamarix arceuthoides), leading to the rejection of the parametric models. However, no significant difference was found between the distribution curve of the observed data and the lognormal distribution curve.

Conclusion: The lognormal model provided the best fit for the distribution of species abundance in both ecological groups, suggesting that these communities are heterogeneous and stable, characterized by species with moderate abundance.

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