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Showing 4 results for mahdavi

Mehdi Heydari, Ali Mahdavi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (9-2014)

Despite the implementation of watershed management projects over a wide area has long history in Iran, but the quantitative assessment of these projects have been neglected. In this study, the effects of watershed management project of Kalan-e-Eyvan in Ilam province from ecological point of view (the relation of vegetation composition with physicochemical soil properties) were investigated. In doing so, four status of watersheds were assessed, namely, status A (implemented area after 5 years in 2010), status B (the witness area without implementation of plan in 2005), status C (the witness area without implementation of plan in 2010) and status D (the area A before implementation of the project in 2005). The results showed that plant species in four statuses were classified into two groups based upon Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and the species in A, B and C statuses were mostly perennial classified as climax stage species. The results showed a floristic similarity between planed and control areas after 5 yearsturned out. There werea clear differences regarding to vegetation composition, nutrient and saturation percentage (SP) between the area after and before plan implementation. The results of one-way ANOVA indicated significant differences regarding to diversity and richness between four statuses. The results of Duncan-Test showed that the implementation of watershed management project has caused increasing in diversity and richness in planned areas in comparison with non-planned watershed management ones.
Mehdi Heydari, Ali Mahdavi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (9-2015)

In this study, the impact of land use change of forest areas to forest parks on species diversity indices in Chaghasabz Park (Ilam city) has been investigated. For this purpose, three regions in 30-hectare areas were considered, including the area, without, medium and intensive recreation. The field data were obtained using 20 sample plots with each plot covering an area of 400 m2 in a systematic random design (150 m×100 m) in each region. In order to record the herbaceous species, cover percentage for each herbaceous species was recorded in four micro-plots (1.5 m× 1.5 m) that were defined with Domin criterion. In order to evaluate plant diversity, biodiversity indices e.g. Shannon and Simpson and Maguran richness indices were computed. Also, for studying the comparison between the averages of plant diversity indices, Dunken analysis was used. The results showed that in areas without, average and intensive recreation, there were 29, 45 and 21 species respectively. Therophytes were dominant vegetative forms in all three areas. Asperula odorata, Centaurea irritans Wagentz. Marrabium vulgare L., Phlomis olivieri Benth. and Picnomon acarna (L.) Cass were not observed in intensive recreation region. The least shannon and Simpson diversity and richness indices were observed in intensive recreation region, but on the contrary, evenness index was substantial in intensive recreation. We concluded that  intense increase of recreation in forest region might cause a loss species diversity.

Mehdi Heydari, Ali Mahdavi, Elham Jaferyan, Vahid Mirzaeizadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (3-2016)

Judas tree belongs to valuable species in Zagros forests. Nowadays, due to the special beauty of this species, it has received substantial attention in afforestation. In this regard, the improvement of seed germination is a suitable way to improve the quantity and quality of producing seedlings in nurseries and the establishment of forest plantation. In this study, the seed germination characteristics and seedling survival of Cercis griffithii in different soil treatments have been surveyed in the nursery of Aivan County in Ilam province. The experiment was set up as a randomized complete design with four treatments each contained 120 pots. Three seeds in plastic pots were sown in nursery soil (Control Control soil- cattle manure (5:1), Control soil- Litter (5:1) and Control soil- Cattle manure- Litter (5:1:1). According to the one-way ANOVA results, significant differences were observed between soil treatments in terms of germination rate, maximum, mean daily germination and germination energy, while there were no significant differences in other germination characteristics between soil treatments. The highest germination rate, maximum, mean daily germination and germination energy were observed in the treatment of Control soil- Cattle manure- Litter. In terms of time, seedling survival decreased from September to March. The results showed that there is a significant correlation between mean daily germination and different soil composition. In general, it can be concluded that germination and survival of Cercis griffithii can be improved using organic compounds in the nursery.

Amir Modaberi, Ali Mahdavi, Hamid Amirnezhad,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (reserch article 2024)

Background and objectives: In addition to wood production, forests have many environmental and social resources that most of them are often lacking in the market.
Materials and methods: In this paper five cases of ecosystem services forest ecosystem was considered from an economic perspective and they have been evaluated to various approaches. For this purpose, the recreational value of the area by using a conditional valuation method and the value of carbon sequestration, the maintenance of soil nutrients, the value of water regulation and the value of non-food products in the region were estimated by using the replacement cost method. Then the total economic value of these functions was estimated.
Results: According to the results total economic value and the annual value per hectare of forest ecosystem were 576413505.1 Toman and 17243407.560 Toman in year respectively. The functions of Carbon sequestration with equivalent value 574114967.1 thousand Toman had the most value and Recreational function had the lowest total value among other functions with equivalent value 126618 thousand Toman per year.
Conclusion: The results of the study, as well as other similar studies can be concluded that natural resources with regard to the future exploitation process, they are more under pressure and rarer, So it is necessary that with the optimal using of these valuable ecosystems, this natural heritage has been protected. With understanding the economic value of the whole ecosystem, programmers and policymakers are able to make more comprehensive decisions and determine the precedence between available options  that makes optimal use of it.

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