Volume 3, Issue 2 (12-2017)                   jste 2017, 3(2): 49-57 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

- Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran , j_zare@mecheng.iust.ac.ir
Abstract:   (12190 Views)

Nowadays, according to increasing energy consumption especially in industry, the need for optimizing energy consumption and determining energy efficiency class of different devices is essential. The main challenge of the present study is developing an energy label instruction for centrifugal pumps. Since the used standard in Iran (ISIRI 7817-2, 1st.edition) only considers the effect of efficiency in energy labeling, a new method is presented to modify this standard. In the proposed method the effect of specific speed on efficiency is considered by choosing one of the constant specific speed curves in η- Q diagram and modifying efficiency for each specific speed. Then, different pumps are tested and labeled by different standards. While the used standard in Iran labels all the pumps in one class, but the new proposed method can label pumps properly as European standards that show the benefit of using the proposed method in centrifugal pumps energy labeling.

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special

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