Instruction for author

 | Post date: 2018/03/2 | 


  1. The author(s) warrants that the article (including the illustrations) is an original work, not published, or not submitted or submitted elsewhere in whole or in part. Also, the results should be not presented at the meeting.
  2. The responsibility of the article goes to the corresponding author.
  3. The number and names of the authors of the paper are done by agreement between them and the corresponding author.
  4. Non-compliance with article writing or style of the journal will cause the reject or delay in the acceptation of the article.
  5. Journal for accepting, rejecting or amending article will act based on laws passed by the journal.
  6. Articles received by editors and reviewers of scientific experts are checked, and after acceptance by the editorial board in compliance with the time to be published.

Instruction for author

Authors Guide and Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts must be written by MS Word software. A4 paper size and double-spaced format must be used in the main text. All pages and lines should be numbered continuously. Times New Roman font type and 14 and 12 font sizes must be selected for the title (in Bold) and the main text, respectively. The following list should be considered by authors.

  • Title page
  • Extended Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction 
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment 
  • References
  • Extended Abstract in Persian

Title page: The title must be written in both Persian and English languages as a center alignment.It should be informative and not more than 15 words.

Authors' name and affiliations must be presented below the title. The affiliation includes full postal and email address and should be referred to authors by superscript number after author's name. The corresponding author should be introduced as a person who not only take the responsibility of the paper, but also handle correspondence at all different stages of reviewing and publication.

  • Extended Abstract: provide an abstract of no more than 350-450words. This will consist of four sections, background, methods, results, conclusions, which should concisely describe, respectively, the problem being addressed in the paper, how the study was performed, the salient results and what the authors conclude from the results.

Keywords: following the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords must be added in alphabetical order.

Introduction: It is essential to present the adequate background of the field of research.The main reasons and objectives of the research paper must be explained in this section.

Materials and Methods: An overview of the research design should be clearly reported. The previously published procedures would be cited and methods used in the paper should be described in detail. Types of analysis should be also mentioned in this section.

Results and Discussion: A logical sequence should be considered to present results (tables and figures). Authors have to avoid the use and describe the same data in different forms repeatedly. In discussion part, the importance and significance of the results should be explored in detail. The results would be considered in relation to hypotheses mentioned in the introduction section. There is no problem to combine results and discussion by authors.

Conclusion: All concluding remarks and important findings should be integrated into a conclusion section.

Acknowledgment: Information related to a research grant, assistance of colleagues and notes of appreciation should be written in acknowledgment section.

Authors should follow the below citation and reference list styles.

Single author:  (Loghavi, 2008)

Two authors: (Aghkhani and Abbaspour-Fard, 2009)

Three authors and more: (Abbaspour-Fard et al., 2008)

Multiple citations: (Smith, 1999; Samuel et al., 2008; Smith and Samuel, 2009)

Journal article

Hamsd, I. 1994. A practical model and met population dynamics. Journal of Animal Ecology, 63: 151- 162.
Molan, P.C., Smith, I.M. and Reid, G.M. 1988.A comparison of the antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys. Journal of Apicultural Research, 27(4): 252 – 256.
Alebrahim, M.T., Janmohammadi, M., Sharifzade, F. and Tokasi, S. 2008. Evaluation of salinity and drought stress effects on germination and early growth of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines (short technical report). Electronic Journal of Crop Production, 1(2): 43-64. [In Persian with English Summary].

Ashraf, M. and Harris, P.J.C., 2005. Abiotic Stresses: Plant Resistance Through Breeding and Molecular Approaches. Haworth Press Inc., New York.
Nassiri Mahallati, M., Koocheki, A., Rezvani Moghaddam, P. and Beheshti, A. 2001. Agroecology. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Publication. 360p. [In Persian].

Reference to a chapter in a book

Nooden, L.D. 1988. The phenomena of senescence and aging. In: Nooden, L.D., Leopald, A.C. (eds.), Senescence and Aging in Plants. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 1–50.

Reference to Thesis/Dissertation

Laleh, S. 2009. Effect of gamma ray on growth parameters of some safflower (Carthamous tinctorius L.) cultivars under saline and arid conditions. M.Sc. dissertation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Birjand, Iran. [In Persian with English Summary].

Conference proceeding

Berrada, B. 2004. Options for water management during drought. p. 29-37. In: E.D. Martin (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Annual Four Corners Irrigation Workshop, 8-10 Jul. 2004. Soil and Water Conservation Society, New Mexico, USA.

Web references

Food and Drug Administration 2001. Revised Preventive Measures for blood products. Available in: (Accessed may 2007).

Figures: avoid unnecessary 3D figures.

Fig. 2. Interactions between salinity and putrescine on mean of length man stomatal length on abaxial side of leaf of pot marigold

Fig. 3. Effect of natural saline water and natural saline water + boron on canola seed germination

Photographs: dimensions should be appropriate for reduction, as described in figures.

Tables: Tables should be self-contained and complement, but not duplicate, information contained in the text. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.

Units: authors are required to use the International System of Units (SI).

Scientific Names: common names of organisms should always be accompanied, when first cited, by their complete scientific name in italics (genus, species, attribution and, if appropriate, cultivar).

Formulae: mathematical formulae must be carefully typed, possibly using the equation editor. When a paper contains several equations they should be identified with a number in parentheses (e.g. Eq. 1).

Proofs: one set of proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. Only typing errors may be corrected: no changes or additions to the accepted manuscript will be allowed.

Page charge: IJSR does not have page charges.

  1. Title: (Times New Roman, 14 Bold)
  2. Author(s): (Times New Roman, 11 Bold)
  3. Affiliation: (Times New Roman, 10 Normal)
  4. Introduction: (Times New Roman, 12Normal)
  5. Materials and Methods: (Times New Roman, 12Normal)
  6. Results and Discussion: (Times New Roman, 12Normal)
  7. Conclusions: (Times New Roman, 12Normal)
  8. Keywords: (Times New Roman, 10 Normal)
  9. Highlights: (Times New Roman, 10 Normal, Bold/Italic)
  10. Reference: (Times New Roman, 11Normal)

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