Volume 10, Issue 2 ((Autumn & Winter) 2024)                   Iranian J. Seed Res. 2024, 10(2): 67-80 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahbazi M, Asghari J, Kamkar B, Taghvaie Salimi E. (2024). Quantifying and analysis of germination responses of invasive weed Western ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya) to temperature and under different water potential conditions. Iranian J. Seed Res.. 10(2), : 5 doi:10.61186/yujs.10.2.67
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/jisr/article-1-583-en.html
University of Guilan , asghari@guilan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1153 Views)
Extended abstract
Introduction: The germination process is one of the most critical stages of a plant's growth and determines the success of the emergence of a weed in an agroecosystem because it is the first stage in which the weed competes for a niche. Various environmental factors, including temperature and moisture, affect the germination of weed seeds. Modeling techniques are capable of predicting germination, seedling emergence, and establishment of weed species. The ability to predict weed germination in response to environmental conditions is very effective for the development of control programs. The experiment was conducted to determine the cardinal temperature and evaluate the best model for quantifying the response of the germination rate of Western ragweed weed seeds under different water stress conditions.
Materials and Methods: A factorial experiment was conducted in the form of a completely randomized design in three replications. The investigated factors include temperature with eight levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 C˚) and water potential with six levels (0, -0.3, -0.6, -0.9, -1.2, and -1.5 MPa) on the germination of Western ragweed. In order to quantify the response of Western ragweed germination rate to temperature, three non-linear Dent-like, Beta, and Segmented regression models were used.
Results: The results showed that the effect of temperature, water potential, and their interactions on maximum germination, germination rate, and time required to reach 10, 50, and 90 percent germination were significant. Also, the results showed that by increasing the temperature from 10 to 25 C˚, the percentage and rate of germination increased whereas by increasing water potential, the percentage and rate of germination decreased. In comparing the models, based on RMSE, R2, CV, and coefficients a and b parameters, the Beta model was the most suitable for estimating the temperatures of cardinal Western ragweed. The base, optimum, and ceiling temperatures using the Beta model were 3.88, 25, and 40 C˚, respectively.
Conclusions: The use of the Beta model to quantify the germination response of Western ragweed seeds to different levels of water potential at different temperatures had acceptable results. Therefore, by using the output of these models at different temperatures, it is possible to predict the germination rate at different potentials.

1- Germination cardinal temperatures and the effect of water potential on western ragweed weed were investigated.
2- Estimation of different models to quantify the response of germination rate to temperature and different water potentials.
Article number: 5
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Seed Ecology
Received: 2023/07/1 | Revised: 2024/06/9 | Accepted: 2023/11/15 | ePublished: 2024/06/9

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