One of the important strategies for increasing germination speed and germination percentage, to produce high-quality seedling and plant optimal establishment is seed priming. In order to evaluate reactions of a lentil seed to priming duration and concentrations of the applied material as priming, a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications was done in the agronomy laboratory of agriculture and Natural Resources College of Gonbad Kavous University in 2013. Factors included priming duration (4, 8 and 12 h) and various concentrations of the priming (hydro priming, hormonal priming by gibberellic acid and salicylic acid with the concentrations of 50, 100 and 150 ppm and non primed seeds). Results showed that the interaction effect of the concentrations and duration of the priming was significant on whole measured traits except the seed vigor index, germination percentage and seedling dry weight at 1% probability level. The lowest duration of germination (5, 10, 90 and 95%) obtained in the hydropriming treatment (2.72, 5.43 and 18.17 hour). The highest radicle fresh weight was observed in hydropriming treatment in three studied durations priming. In this study; the highest rate of germination obtained from GA50ppm during 12 hours. GA50ppm increased Germination percentage (98%). The greatest radicle length, shoot length and relative growth rate was obtained in the treatment of the gibberellic acid 100 ppm during 8 hours. All the average, gibberellic acid 100 ppm in 8h had an additive effect on the most of the measured traits of the lentil seed. Therefore, it can be introduced as the best mixture treatment.
Extended abstract Introduction: Nowadays exploitation of hetrotoxic characteristics of hetrotoxic plants regarding harmful effects of synthetic herbicides can most important role in weeds management and their control. In fact chemical compounds which is released by root, stem, leaf, flowers, seeds pollen, fruit and seeds can be used as bio herbicides and bio pesticides. The purpose of this srudy was evaluation of hetrotoxicity potential of Datura stramonium L. shoots on germination traits and photosynthetic pigments of wheat cultivars. Materials and Methods: An experiment was conducted to evaluate hetrotoxicity potential of aqueous extract of different organs of Datura stramonium L. such as stem, leaf, fruit and mixed of them on germination traits and photosynthetic pigments of two cultivars of wheat (Kohdasht and N8720) as factorial experiment based on compeletly randomized design in three replications in Weeds Scince Laboratory of Gonbad-e- Kavous University in 2017. Datura stramonium shoot was collected at fruit formation stage in the Moghan plain and seprated into stem, leaf and fruit firstly. Five ml of studied extracts as well as mixed of them were added on 25 disinfected seeds of studied cultivars separately. Results: Results showed that wheat cultivars had a different response to organs extract and this difference also were significant for various organs extract as well as interaction effect of cultivars in organs extract. Mean comparison of interaction of cultivars and organs showed that germination percent of Kohdash were decreased under experimental treatments. The highest decrease effect was obtained in the leaf extract about 98.33%. In return, stem, fruit and mixed organs had an increase effect on germination percent of N8720 about 5.72, 5.72 and 1.41% respectively. Result of the germination rate was similar with result of germination percent. Radicle and shoot length of both cultivars under experimental treatments were decreased. Leaf extract had an highest inhibition effect on radicle and shoot length about 96.70 and 89.21% respectively. Content of total chlorophyll of both cultivars of Kohdast and N8720 were increased under aqueous extract of stem (24.64%) and fruit (14.62%). Where as, extract of other organs and mixed of them had a decrease effect on studied trait. The result of carotenoid also was similar with result of total chlorophyll. Persumably, difference in allelochemicals concentration in various organs of Datura stramonium and physiological chracteractics of studied traits in cultivars caused different behavior. Conclusions: According to the results, use of Datura stramonium biomass esspecially leaf, it is suggested as natural herbicides and strategy of non- chemical management. To accomplish this need to analyze phytochemical compounds of this weed. Highlights:
3- Use of Datura stramonium can be a good option for appearance of natural herbicides.
Extended abstract
Introduction: Due to their aggressive and competitive habits, weeds inhibit the growth of valuable plants. Interference in plants includes environmental competition and allelopathy (Autotoxicity and hetrotoxicity). In hetrotoxicity, chemical compounds released from plants are able to effect the neighboring plants. Proper management of weeds and the exploitation of their hetrotoxicity potential can reduce losses caused by weeds. This could also represent an effective step towards the reduction of the use of herbicides. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of hetrotoxicity potential of aqueous extract of various organs of Malva sylvestris L. weed on traits of germination and photosynthetic pigments of Echinochloa crus-galli L.
Material and Methods: An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of hetrotoxicity potential of aqueous extract of Malva sylvestris L. weed including the stem, leaf and flower as well as their mixture on traits of germination and photosynthetic pigments of Echinochloa crus-galli L. as a completely randomized design in three replications in Weeds Science Laboratory of Gonbad Kavous University in 2017. For this experiment, aerial parts of M. sylvestris were first collected at the flowering stage from Ramian field. They were subsequently separated with great care and were powdered. Then from them, 5% suspensions (weight/volume) were prepared, using distilled water. Finally, the extract of each organ of M. sylvestris was added to Petri dishes containing E. crus-galli seeds. After the 7th day, traits such as rate and percentage of germination, radical and shoot elongation, vigor index, total content of chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids were measured.
Results: The results showed that various organs of M. sylvestris and their mixture had different inhibitory effects on traits of germination and seedling length of E. crus-galli weed. The highest inhibition effects on rate and germination percentage and elongation of radical and shoot of E. crus-galli were obtained using leaf extract of M. sylvestris about 64.04, 64.37, 87.69, 62.81%. In this study, radical length is more affected under hetrotoxic compounds of various organs of M. sylvestris, as compared with shoot length. Based on the results, various organs of M. sylvestris and their mixture also have different inhibitory effects on chlorophyll and carotenoid content of E. crus-galli weed. It seems that the differential effects among different organs of M. sylvestris are a function of the threshold concentration of allelochemicals to hetrotoxic compounds of the organs, which causes various response by E. crus-galli.
Conclusion: Given the evidence for the effect of hetrotoxicity potential of various organs of M. sylvestris on traits of germination and pigments of chlorophyll and carotenoid of E. crus-galli and huge biomass generated, it is advisable to exploit allelochemical compounds of this plant as bio-herbicides.
1- Study of the the effect of hetrotoxic potential of Malva sylvestris weed on germination characteristics and photosynthetic pigments of Echinochloa crus-galli in Ramian field.
2- E. crus-galli weed exhibits great sensitivity to hetrotoxic compounds of various organs of M. sylvestris, especially the leaves.
3- Allelopathic characteristics of M. sylvestris weed have huge potentials for the production of bio-herbicides.
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