Volume 10, Issue 1 ((Spring and Summer) 2023)                   Iranian J. Seed Res. 2023, 10(1): 113-124 | Back to browse issues page

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Rezvani Khorshidi E, Jazayeri M R, Sadeghi L, Rahmani M, Hasani F, Oskoee B, et al . (2023). Determining the performance of ZmGLP functional marker as a suitable index to evaluate maize seed vigor. Iranian J. Seed Res.. 10(1), 113-124. doi:10.61186/yujs.10.1.113
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/jisr/article-1-535-en.html
Agricultural Research Education & Extention Organization, Seed and Plant Certification & Registration Institute, Karaj, Iran , e.rezvani@areeo.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1869 Views)
Extended Abstract:
 Introduction: Production of high-quality seeds to stabilize crop yield is an important challenge for breeders. One of the most important answers to this challenge is to clarify the molecular mechanisms associated with seed vigor characteristics. Functional proteins of Cupin superfamily are among the molecules in signaling pathway. Previous research has shown that in maize, a storage protein similar to the functional Cupin superfamily protein called ZmGLP is effective in seed germination. However, in the previous experiments, suitable indicators were not used to assess seed vigor and its relationship with field establishment. So, it is needed to study the performance of ZmGLP in predicting field emergence to complete the previous research.
 Materials and Methods: An experiment was performed on 14 samples of commercial inbred maize lines. In this experiment, in addition to the laboratory evaluation of seed germination, field indices of physiological seed quality including the percentage of seedling emergence in the field, time to 50% seedling emergence, time to 90% seedling emergence, seedling dry weight, seedling height and coefficient of variation of seedling height was also assessed. In the polymerase chain reaction, two pairs of primers (CF / CR primers and IDF / IDR primers) were used to identify the DNA sequence of the Cupin.
Results: The results show that the seeds were different in terms of physiological quality. The lowest percentage of germination in laboratory was related to K1264/1, while the lowest physiological quality of seeds in field indices was observed in K1263/17. The molecular test confirmed the presence of the desired allele at the InDel9 site of vigor-related genes in the three samples of B73, K1264/1, and K1264/5-1, but no amplification band of the InDel9 site was observed in all K1263/17 seed samples. Due to the fact that line K1264/1, which had the lowest germination percentage in the laboratory, had an amplification band at this related site to vigor, it is not enough to rely on the results of the laboratory germination test to investigate the relationship between this gene and seed vigor. The field emergence test and seed vigor test that have a good prediction of field emergence must be used in these studies.
Conclusions: According to the results of this experiment, molecular tests with functional markers based on Indel9 can be used to accelerate the evaluation of vigor, especially when the breeder is breeding a new line or hybrid. It is a useful, rapid, and effective molecular method to predict seed emergence in the field and screen the lines to ensure the genetic strength of the germination of the lines, especially in the temperate germplasms of corn. Finally, it is necessary to determine the threshold of low vigor during seed quality investigation in different cultivars, and relationship between the presence or absence InDel9 site should be considered in future research.

1- The feasibility of using molecular markers to determine the seed vigor of corn lines in the field was studied and optimized for the first time.
2- The results of physiological quality assessment of seeds in the field for the studies related to the relationship between molecular markers and seed vigor were exploited for the first time.
3- The Indel9 site and molecular markers related to seed vigor in the field were introduced.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Seed Physiology
Received: 2022/01/26 | Revised: 2024/02/21 | Accepted: 2022/08/9 | ePublished: 2023/11/26

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