Volume 6, Issue 2 ((Autumn & Winter) 2020)                   Iranian J. Seed Res. 2020, 6(2): 15-29 | Back to browse issues page

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Rostamipoor A, Mordai A, Eisvand H. (2020). Effect of Seed Dormancy Breaking Treatments on Germination and α-amylase Enzyme Activity in Seeds of Three Ecotypes of Astragalus (Astragalus cyclophyllu). Iranian J. Seed Res.. 6(2), 15-29. doi:10.29252/yujs.6.2.15
URL: http://yujs.yu.ac.ir/jisr/article-1-387-en.html
Yasouj University , amoradi@yu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9641 Views)

Extended Abstract
 Introduction: Seed dormancy, as a technique to avoid environmental stress, is important in preserving plant species and could be of various types including physiological, physical, morphological and morph-physiological dormancy. Seed testa hardness is one of the main causes of dormancy in leguminous family plants. A common method for breaking seed dormancy in leguminous plants is the use of scarification treatments. Given that oxygen deficiency is a factor that induces dormancy, scarification treatments through acceleration of gas exchanges, especially oxygen and carbon dioxide, can reduce seed dormancy and finally increase germination percentages. In addition, priming with gibberellic acid can help dormancy breaking in plant species that have physiological dormancy, finally leading to germination. Therefore, the present study investigated seed dormancy and germination to find the most appropriate treatment for the elimination of seed dormancy in three ecotypes of Astragalus cyclophyllus.
Materials and Methods: A factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications was carried out at Agriculture Laboratory of Lorestan University in 2013. The first factor was three ecotypes of Astragalus Semirom, Damavand and Zanjan, and the second factor was seed dormancy breaking treatments. The applied treatments were: control, (mechanical scarification plus chilling time with 10, 20 and 30 days prechilling at 4°C, mechanical scarification + gibberellic acid at concentrations of 400 and 500 ppm for 48 hours, scarification with sulfuric acid 96% for 2 and 4 min, mechanical scarification and 2% potassium nitrate for 72 h, mechanical scarification and gibberellic acid 400 ppm for 48 h and 20 days prechilling. The measured indices included germination percentage, mean germination time, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight and alpha-amylase activity.
Results: The results showed that the interactions between seed dormancy breaking treatments and ecotype were significant for all the traits. Based on the results of mean comparison, Damavand ecotype exhibited better performance in terms of most of the traits studied, as compared with Semirom and Zanjan ecotypes. Compared with the treatments applied, mechanical scarification plus gibberellic acid 400 ppm was more effective in germination parameters and seedling vigor index. Mechanical scarification and gibberellic acid 400 ppm for 48 h along with 20 days prechilling increased total germination percentage by an average of 67.68% in Semirom ecotype and was more effective in increasing the activity of α-amylase enzyme.
Conclusion: It seems that seed dormancy of Astragalus cyclophyllus is not of physiological type and increased germination can be due to mechanical scarification in physical dormancy breaking and priming effect of prechilling and gibberellic acid.

  1. The effect of different dormancy breaking treatments on seed germination was investigated.
  2. Alpha-amylase activity of Astragalus Seed increased under dormancy breaking treatments.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Seed Physiology
Received: 2018/12/17 | Revised: 2021/03/13 | Accepted: 2019/06/2 | ePublished: 2020/05/2

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